Before starting treatment, HIV-1 viral load measurements, along with CD4 counts, will guide both patient and doctor in deciding when to start treatment. If viral load levels remain consistently low, the decision to start taking HIV-1 medication may be delayed. With increasing or high viral load levels, a doctor may advise their patient to start highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Once an individual begins taking antiviral medication, their doctor will monitor the success of treatment by measuring the effects on HIV-1 viral load. An effective treatment should reduce viral load as much as possible (i.e. below 50 copies/ml). If viral load does not decrease so that it becomes undetectable during treatment, a physician may recommend changing to a different treatment. Monitoring HIV-1 viral load is extremely important as it provides the physician with the information required to determine whether a change in drug therapy is needed. The sensitivity of the AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR� Test allows a doctor to tailor their patient�s therapy and to respond quickly to changes in viral load status.