Last updated on : 01-Sep-03


1. VIRACEPT� Summary of Product Characteristics.

2. Negredo E, Martinez-Picado J, L. Ruiz L, et al. SWATCH Study: A multicenter trial of proactive treatment switching. Results at 9 months of follow-up. 8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Feburary 2001; Chicago, USA. Abstract 669.

3. Ruiz NM, Bessen LJ, Manion DJ, et al. Potential adverse experiences associated with efavirenz (EFV, SUSTIVATM) in adults. 6th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 1999; Chicago, USA. Abstract 665.

4. Katlama C, Lantz O, Delfraissy JF, et al. MIKADO: a multicentre, open-label, pilot-studyto evaluate the antiretroviral activity and safety of saquinavir with stavudine and zalcitabine. HIV Medicine 2001: in press.

5. Race E, Gilbert SM, Sheldon JG, et al. Correlation of response to treatment and HIV genotypic changes during Phase III trials with saquinavir and reverse transcriptase inhibitor combination therapy. AIDS 1998;12:1465-1474.

6. Revicki DA, Moyle G, Stellbrink HJ, et al. Quality of life outcomes of combination zalcitabine-zidovudine, saquinavir-zidovudine, and saquinavir-zalcitabine-zidovudine therapy for HIV-infected adults with CD4 cell counts between 50 and 350 per cubic millimeter. AIDS 1999;13;851-858.

7. Acosta EP, Saag MS, Montaner JSG. Pharmacokinetics and safety of once daily saquinavir soft gel capsules/ritonavir in HIV-infected antiretroviral na�ve patients. Second International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, April 2001; Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Abstract #3.14.

8. Van Heeswijk RPG, et al. Once-daily dosing of 1600mg saquinivir (FORTOVASE�) plus 100mg ritonavir in HIVinfected patients: pharmacokinetics and clinical experience: HIV-NAT 001.3. Second International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, April 2001; Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Abstract #3.9.

9. Peytavin G, et al. Saquinivir (SQV) plasma and intracellular concentrations in a once daily dosing combination FORTOVASE�, (SQV-SGC)-low dose ritonavir (RTV) in a prospective study (IMEA 015) in HIV-infected patients. Second International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, April 2001; Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Abstract #3.16.

10. Blanco JL, et al. Intensification therapy with saquinivir soft gel/ritonavir QD in patients failing on a saquinavir hard gel containing HAART. Second International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, April 2001; Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Abstract # 5.8.